First up: I wrote a post back in 2018 after a trip to Scotland and England the previous Fall. In that post, which was a two-part, it was packing-focused—how to pack for a three-week trip to Scotland if you’re a menswear dude like me. This was before we had kids, so I went a bit more tailoring-focused than I do now. Check out part 1 here, and part 2 here.
Second: A purely travel-focused post from last fall after our three-week trip to Italy. This one was just an excuse for me to share photos from our trip, haha. We had our son in tow on that trip, so I dressed a bit more practically.
And finally: a post partially inspired by my travel to Italy with a kid, musing on the balance of being stylish with the utility of clothing. I still like wearing a sportcoat, even though it’s dry-clean-only, even with an almost-2-year-old and another baby on the way, who most certainly will eventually spit up on said jacket; but I’m definitely expanding how I dress to accommodate being a dad.
Have a great weekend, everybody.