
In Case You Missed It—Aspirational Travel Posts, July 2020

Menswear Musings in Glen Etive

Just like clips shows from TV programs in the 20th century, it’s time for an “in case you missed it” post highlighting content created months ago! Today’s theme: the pre-pandemic joys of travel. It’s kind of a cathartic / aspirational post to get me dreaming of travel once we’ve wrestled the coronavirus into submission.

First up: I wrote a post back in 2018 after a trip to Scotland and England the previous Fall. In that post, which was a two-part, it was packing-focused—how to pack for a three-week trip to Scotland if you’re a menswear dude like me. This was before we had kids, so I went a bit more tailoring-focused than I do now. Check out part 1 here, and part 2 here.

menswear musings what to pack in england scotland

Second: A purely travel-focused post from last fall after our three-week trip to Italy. This one was just an excuse for me to share photos from our trip, haha. We had our son in tow on that trip, so I dressed a bit more practically.

And finally: a post partially inspired by my travel to Italy with a kid, musing on the balance of being stylish with the utility of clothing. I still like wearing a sportcoat, even though it’s dry-clean-only, even with an almost-2-year-old and another baby on the way, who most certainly will eventually spit up on said jacket; but I’m definitely expanding how I dress to accommodate being a dad.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


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