This old Tumblr post has been on my mind again. Though it’s clearly a fall-winter outfit he’s wearing, it’s something that would be perfect in spring-summer fabrics (just lose that crewneck and swap in loafers for those boots).
I like this outfit because it’s simple but not basic. It’s a twist on the default navy-blazer-with-khaki-pants uniform. Light on the bottom, dark on the top always works. Khaki and navy work on two levels—that aforementioned brightness contrast, but also the contrast of warm (the tan) with cold (the navy blue). In George’s fit, you lose that warm/cool aspect, but you gain a kind of cleanness or airiness in the light blue.
A note: His trousers are tailored, as opposed to simply being chinos. They’re creased in front and have a cuff. That helps elevate the look a bit and would be great (below, from Cavour, see linked some not-cotton-but-still-light-blue tailored trousers). But I think chinos that fit well works well, too.
Here are a bunch of links to recreate this outfit for yourself.
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