Back in January 2020, one of the fun things I got to do was photograph the guests we had on the Styleforum Happy Hour podcast. One of those days, our guests were Ethan Newton and Tony Sylvester. Ethan is co-founder of menswear shop Brycelands, and has a long history of online menswear fame from his early days at The Armoury. Tony was part of a hardcore Norwegian band called Turbonegro and is generally considered a stylish guy.
Here’s the link to the podcast episode where they discuss vintage clothing, and below are a few of the photos I took. It was a pleasure meeting them, and taking their portraits. I also liked the details on their hands—the old Speedmaster on Ethan’s wrist, the finger tattoos on Tony, the juxtaposition of bespoke flannel trousers and Chuck Taylors. Below, some of my photos of these two guys.