
Rejoice! Proper Cloth Has Added a Wide Placket Option


I’m a happy Proper Cloth customer (and frequent recommender—seriously, if you haven’t bought anything yet, get $20 store credit using this link and simultaneously kick me a little store credit in the process), but ever since the beginning, I have been irked that their standard placket is narrow. Not H&M narrow, no, but not quite wide enough to give the required gravitas to an OCBD.

The situation had become so dire that I had resigned myself to only ever ordering a French placket (which wouldn’t look right on more robust or casual fabrics, like chambray or Oxford cloth), or a popover (which is awesome but not something I want for every shirt).

Lo and behold, my longsuffering has been rewarded, and there is now a “wide placket” option in the customization process! Hooray!

I will go ahead say it: there is no need to ever order their standard placket on anything. Ignore it. Pretend it doesn’t exist. You’re either going to be ordering the wide placket or the French placket (aka “no placket”) from now on (or the popover. Which, I wish they made a wide placket version of…).

Happy Proper Cloth-ing!

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