
Summer Shoe Conundrum



It’s odd that the most laid back of seasons should be so high
maintenance. Too hot, sunny and humid for uniforms of surrounding seasons, it demands a whole new thought process; your undivided attention.
It’s fitting Summer should be the name of hippy girl with a trust fund.  

While I have waxed and waned on the allures and pitfalls of summer, it
seems an annual ritual that I contemplate some facet of my wardrobe ill-equipped
to battle the vicious, leisurely elements.

Last summer marked the victory lap of my long-lauded Russell Moccasins.
Through thick and thin my preppy companions reconciled gone-fishin’ comfort with the depressingly low bar of 21st century decorum. Yard work
could give way to a multi-mile stroll, leading to a white tablecloth dinner. My
feet would never need a second consideration. Alas, they are now relegated to
yard work and porch loafing, a fitting destination for shoes that were always
driving a casual sense of urgency.

So where does that leave us? Unlike other clothes-aware authors, my “Summer
Shoe Roundup” is deeply personal, selfish and exhaustive. Let’s have a go.

Boat Shoes/Camp Shoes/American Moccasins

The easiest answer here is to buy the same shoe I loved so dearly. No chance.
That would be way too easy and not nearly involved enough. There are others in
a similar vein – some more expensive, some way cheaper. I could go full-on
traditional with a natural-soled camp moc (Town View and Wassookeag come to mind). I have to assume they’d take a beating with grace, allowing me to channel my inner David Nightingale Hicks should an event come calling.

I’ve never really gotten the appeal of natural bottoms, however. They seem like they would wear down under the bar tar of life. So then let’s think rubber soles. Usual suspects lined up – LL Bean and Sperry have public drunkenness tickets, Rancourt and Quoddy will be collected from the white collar prison discharge in three-to-five. All perfectly serviceable, if not predictable. Just don’t bump into Pete.

The #menswear Options

Alright so we’re too cool to wear boat shoes in 2017. I get it. We’re all embarrassingly white dads but we might get a tan. We need more flavor. Let’s keep moving.

Ring moccasins seem cool. Yeah, that’s unexpected and unique. Wow, they are pretty expensive. Not sure I can spend flight-to-Milwaukee money on novelty footwear. But I can recover and retreat into familiarity. Clark’s are good, if not a bit, “kicked out of my prep school for smoking while skateboarding.” Somehow they got expensive. Hmm. 

I like the idea of espadrilles, though they seem a bit too pretentious. Like I’m Tom’s snooty, Spanish stepfather. They do make more accessible hybrids, but I still worry I’ll be trapped in existential uncertainty – are they sneakers, loafers or house shoes? Plus those kinda look like I’m Van’s snooty stepfather. 

Boots as Summer Shoes(?)

We’ve been down this road before. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different result. At least I make nice circles. Those Miserocchi numbers are still pretty cool. But I’ve been warned they wear like wet newspaper. Maybe I can get back to my American roots? They seem like a no-go with shorts. Deal breaker. Then again, am I even tall enough to be looking at chukkas? I like how models look in Desert Boots. I am not a model. 

If I were to do a pair these would probably be them. Glad to see I’m thinking realistically and not spending ridiculously. Par. 

Tennis Shoes/Plimsolls

One of my best friends in college wore Tretorns everyday. Even in the snow. That’s the only consideration I’ll give tennis shoes.


This feels better. Familiar. Probably because I already own a pair that really need a resole. Maybe those will suffice? I also have a pair of summery Belgians I’ve yet to wear. Do I even really need another pair of shoes? 

Yeah I do. 

My summertime shoe choices overlaps with your suggestions!

1- Suede pennies

2- Lighter suede tassels

3- Camp mocs (Oak Street are my favorites for quality/comfort)

4- White Tretorns

5- Espadrilles 

Back to cooler weather gear for a day or two Eidos emerald green sportcoat in No Man Walks…

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