Menswear Musings Recommends: Eidos Tan chinos.
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Menswear Musings Recommends
86 posts
Menswear Musings Recommends: Sand suede plain toe bluchers. A great, simple, dead simple shoe perfect for summer.
Yeah wow, huge huge sale at Club Monaco. I have been highlighting shoes there today and yesterday, but…
menswearmusings: Snuff suede chukkas. Unbeatable go-to boot. These have a last that isn’t so pointy it doesn’t work…
menswearmusings: Snuff suede double monks. Would be a go-to shoe with white jeans, chinos, dark jeans, and even…
Menswear Musings Recommends: Snuff suede chukkas. Unbeatable go-to boot. These have a last that isn’t so pointy it…
Menswear Musings Recommends: Snuff suede double monks. Would be a go-to shoe with white jeans, chinos, dark jeans,…
Menswear Musings Recommends: Cutaway light blue chambray shirt. Extra 20% off today only. Purple Label quality, for $143.…
Menswear Musings Recommends: Striped breton. Extra 20% off today only. Looks like a pretty amazing, simple, go-to style…
Menswear Musings Recommends: Textured navy cashmere sweater. Extra 20% off today only. Kind of amazed it’s in stock…
Menswear Musings Recommends: Another good white chino option. These are pure white and slightly lighter weight, and therefore…
Menswear Musings Recommends: Off-white casual chinos. Tried these on the other day, they’re awesome. Cheaper than the expensive…